Publish Tool Online Docs
Configuration Guides
001.Notion Configuration
The plugin is updated frequently, to prevent unpredictable errors caused by program cache, please uninstall and then reinstall the plugin for updates.
If the plugin becomes completely unusable due to abnormal configuration, please backup [workspace]/data/storage/syp/sy-p-plus-cfg.json, then delete it. This configuration file will be automatically initialized on first use. When performing this operation, it is best to close the SiYuan note first, then delete the configuration, and then open it. This is to prevent data from being read while it is already open, leading to overwrite and save. Do not perform this operation if it is still working properly.
How to configure CORS proxy?
Please refer to 《CORS Proxy Configuration Guide》
Why do platforms like CSDN and Zhihu prompt for authorization failure after a period of time, requiring re-login? How to solve this?
This may be because the cookie has expired. You can try the following method, using CSDN as an example:
Install the "Web View" plugin, log out of CSDN on the homepage.
Then reauthorize and see if it works.
Note: You must log out in the SiYuan web view.
Why does the Docker version not display correctly when first opened?
Check if the SiYuan address is correctly configured. The address in the Preferences -> SiYuan Settings must include the correct port number, by default it is for local.
Special note for Github and Gitlab platforms: Only support source code deployment, only support source code deployment, only support source code deployment. Important things are said three times.
Currently, ​Zhihu​ and ​CSDN​ can only choose HTML mode for publishing. When configuring Zhihu and CSDN, please use HTML mode for publishing.
How to get Zhihu columns?
Open the Zhihu personal homepage and find the user.
Enter the username in the configuration page.
Click verify to see the column list for selection.
What is the image handling mechanism for articles on various platforms?
Detailed rules:
Platforms like Zhihu, CSDN, and WeChat Official Accounts use their own platform's image uploading.
Notion, Yuque, Juejin, Github series, Gitlab series (e.g. Hexo) require Picgo plugin support for image uploading.
What are the limitations and potential issues of the platform?
All Platforms: The publishing tool retrieves the latest edited content of Source Note every time for overwriting and publishing. Each publication will overwrite the main text. Therefore, do not modify the main text on the platform itself.
WeChat Official Account: Currently, the publishing tool supports publishing articles to the WeChat Official Account draft box in version 1.13.0 and above. However, due to limitations on the WeChat platform in Electron, normal login operations cannot be performed. Therefore, you need to visit yourself, log in, copy the cookie, and paste it into the configuration options.
Notion: Due to the block-based nature of Notion, instead of entire document, normal updates are not supported due to technical limitations. After version 1.18.0, updates can be supported by first deleting and then publishing, but this may take longer than usual.
Juejin: Juejin platform requires filling in tags and categories, and if default options are not selected, a backend category and programmer tag will be added to ensure publication.
Juejin: Each time an article is published on Juejin, it needs to be reviewed, so previewing immediately after publication may result in a 404 error. In this case, temporarily change the link from /post to /spost for viewing, or patiently wait for the approval.
CSDN: Tags must be set on CSDN as per platform regulations, and tags cannot be left empty.
CNBlog: External links may result in 404 errors. This can be resolved by adjusting user configurations. image
Zhihu: Issue with username and password login. This can be resolved by logging in through QR code scan.